Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Finishing School A Resource For All Knitters

Machine knitting mentor Diana Sullivan has released her latest course "Knitters Finishing School" - it's been a while in the making.

I enjoyed lunch with Diana and her husband when she was here in Las Vegas.  We talked for hours and could have kept on going!  I remember us talking about this, I was excited this was in her "list of to do's" as I have received many questions on finishing.

Seeing she had released this I quickly ordered one.  It's a great reference tool for all knitters, beginners to experienced.

Take a look and learn from one of the best!

Click on the below link to take you to her blog and posting, you can order directly from this page:

Diana's Finishing School Course

Keep in mind you can knit really beautifully but if your finishing is not precise and professional your items will suffer.

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Returning Machine Knitter Who Is Awesome!

I received an email from Judy B. asking for some guidance with double bed knitting.  She was asking about double bed jacquard and yarn suggestions.  I have to agree with Judy, the different ways we have to select yarn weights can be confusing.  What was amazing to me is she stated "I am returning to MKg after many years. I am self taught which is probably why I'm struggling so now. "  Doesn't appear from her photos that she is struggling!  Judy, most of us are self taught that can be a good thing.

Judy was kind enough to send some pictures of her projects.  I  complimented her as the projects are awesome and asked if she minds me posting her pictures, she was kind enough to say yes. Judy also sent the links to some of the patterns she knit.  I see a Diana Sullivan Bunny in there!

Speaking of my friend Diana Sullivan, Judy used Diana's zig-zag scarf method for the blanket.  Judy stated:  "The zig zag blanket was done using Diana Sullivan's video for a ribbed zig-zag scarf.  The only change I made was to change racking directions every 10 rows rather than every 20 rows. I LOVE this pattern cuz once it's done, it's done - no need to add a binding/edging."

The bonnet was from this link - must scroll down to "Lacy Baby Bonnet" by Lora Kinnan:
The booties were from:


Nicely done!

 As an added bonus she sent this link to eliminate floats in multi color work.  I do know of this technique and have used it with great success.  I do like the slide show with pictures (like some of my posts) and I know of the artist and her work.

Thank you for sharing with us Judy and send more of your photos.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mitered V-Neckband Method

I received an email today asking about V-Neckbands so I thought let me do a quick photo tutorial and post it.  When adding a mitered neckband to a V Neck sweater or vest I find it very easy to do it this way.  Yes there are other ways to do it but with this being so simple why not?  After all knitting is supposed to be "enjoyable" not tedious!

This is not to offer you all the ways to obtain the amount of stitches needed for a band or how to attach the band, just the method for obtaining the center point of the V (the miter) without transferring all the stitches.  Keep in mind for best results you should only be increasing after knitting two rows of the 1x1 ribbing.  So if knitting a ten row band you would increase four times, a stitch on each end for a total of eight stitches increased. The live stitches (see photo) are used to attach the band to the neckline.

Take a look below.  Note:  I knitted a sample on the bulky (easier to demo) to photograph for you (light blue yarn photographs very well).
Started using 10L-9R in 1x1 ribbing, cast on & circular rows completed then I knitted 2 rows of ribbing.

Transferring MB heel stitch from 9R to RB needle 10R.

Transferring MB 10L to RB 11L, then K2R.

Transferring heel stitch of RB 10R to MB 11R.

Transferring RB 11L to MB 12L, K2R.  Continue increasing one stitch on each end knitting two rows in between the increases.

After last increases have been made K2R, transfer to MB and K1R at garment tension (garter row).  The side facing you is to be used as the public side of band.  

Note the increases on each side and garter row just below the dark WY.  Also, the transfer tool is placed in the edge to indicate where you would be mattress stitching the miter together, it's not the usual bar, more of a "loop and knot." 

If you have a Brother Ribbing Techniques Book, this method is detailed there but I find it easier to look at the photos.