Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tree Skirt Trim

Hello!  It's been a while, I'm still here and still knitting with three projects in the works.

Recently, a friend asked me to knit her a tree skirt in cream and navy blue.  I did a simple circle on the bulky and attached hook-n-loop (velcro) tabs to hold it closed when in place (invisible).  She is not a frilly type of lady and asked for something with a nice tailored trim.  Here is what I did for the trim which is a variation of trim we have all seen in one form or another.  Diana Sullivan did another variation recently for a baby blanket, technique is the same but the pick-ups and rows knitted are different.  This produces a cable look (some refer to it as rope or pie crust edge) and looks great on public and private sides.

I tested her taste out a bit and ran a gold lurex yarn in, she did not like it (me either) so stuck to the basic cream trim.

Notice carriage is on the left as I am right handed, if you are left handed, you may want the carriage on the right.  Pick up the edge of your item and hang on machine using 8 needle transfer tool

Here is the tool picking up the edge (also why I want the carriage on the left as to not get in my way as I pick up the edge to the right)

Knit 12 rows

Pick up the next set of 8 edge stitches and hang on top of the previous 12 rows just knitted

Here I added the gold Lurex

How the gold Lurex looked (not for me)

All complete
I kept the tension at the same setting I knit the skirt with.  You can add more rows which will give you a different look (more loopy).  When you get to the end knit the final 12 rows then hand stitch the last 8 stitches into place.  I did not get a complete picture of the skirt as I was eager to rush it out to her (sorry).


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  2. Hey, Tom, hope you're doing great.

    I've got to try this. It looks great! I think it would make a nice club demo.

  3. Very interesting .Think I'll give it a try. Although I've had my machine a couple of years I tend to use beautiful yarn but simple designs thinking there's no point using all that effort to make something that looks cheap anyway. Keep trying to persuade myself to be more adventurous but lack the confidence. Would like to give this a go as it's a lovely finish. Thanks again.

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